Dancing the land farm

Icelandic Sheep, Colored Angora Goats, one Angora Rabbit


Liz Dwyer and Curtis Weinrich

Clearwater, Minnesota, 55320

Email: elizabethadwyer@gmail.com or dancingtheland@gmail.com

Website: https://www.dancingtheland.com

Instagram: @dancingtheland

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dancingtheland

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dancingtheland

Offering: locks, roving, yarn, sheep and goat skins, felted goods: rugs, hats, tapestries + playmats, woven goods: rugs + blankets, retail and special event flowers (including dye plants), seasonal produce, ethical meats.

Dancing the Land is a small family farm in Central Minnesota specializing in vibrant produce, lush flowers, luminous and strong fibers, ethical meats, and beautiful, functional everyday goods. Dancing the Land Farm is Minnesota Water Quality certified, and while not certified organic we only use organic, biodynamic, traditional, and relational methods to heal and tend this land after the abuses of conventional agriculture. Our fertility comes from our animals and compost, our weed management is mulch, we source organic seeds whenever possible, our animals are on pasture 100% of the time, and we never ever use GMOs.